Sunday 22 April 2012


相机放在干箱也有数个月了,好旧没有用单眼拍照不知道还会不会操作呢。看了老师po的夕阳照片好美丽。所以就在上个星期六也跑去鸟河走一趟。奈何天不作美,去的前晚有下了一场雨,隔天云层也很多。没有 拍到美丽的夕阳。可是却是我的“别是一翻滋味在心头”。老师看了不知道会晕到吗? 嘻嘻嘻。。。



Wednesday 11 April 2012



Sunday 8 April 2012

Unforgetable ride

Special thanks to Wei Ean for inviting me to the Earth Night Ride organized by G Club.  Also, Jensen for lending me his bike.  At first, I thought I was not able to ride so long distance.  Because, I have not been rode a bike for so many years.  Moreover, I also not used to the mountain bike with gear.  I had totally forgotten how to operate it.  I was worry whether I could ride it or not.

Despite of this, I managed to overcome my fear.  The moment I am riding on the bike, my fear and worry is gone with wind. 

Around few hundreds of rider turned up for the ride that night.  We did stop twice for a short rest.  The ride was rather easy and fun.  I enjoyed the ride with my best friend and not even had the sense of tiredness after the ride. 

Give me five, Ean!